52歌赋>英语词典>facts of life翻译和用法

facts of life

英 [fækts ɒv laɪf]

美 [fækts əv laɪf]

n.  (令人不快却又无可奈何的)生活现实; (教给儿童的)性知识
fact of life的复数


  • N-COUNT (令人不快却又无法改变的)生活现实
    You say that something which is not pleasant is afact of lifewhen there is nothing you can do to change it so you must accept it.
    1. Stress is a fact of life from time to time for all of us.
  • N-PLURAL (教给儿童的)性知识
    If you tell a child aboutthe facts of life, you tell him or her about sexual intercourse and how babies are born.
    1. There comes a time when children need to know more than the basic facts of life.




  • For children with cancer, the facts of life include the facts of death.
  • Teenage magazines are taking the place of parents in teaching children the facts of life, an official report warns.
  • I started to look at this fellow more closely for what he might know about the greater or deeper facts of life.
  • His journey is interrupted by a stretch in the Charleston penitentiary, where he learns a few painful facts of life.
  • People in large-power-distance counties such as India, Brazil, Singapore, Greece, Venezuela, Mexico, and the Philippines believe that power and authority are facts of life.
  • Doctors and teachers still discuss at what age children should be told the facts of life.
  • Ofsted urged schools to provide embarrassed parents with material to help explain the facts of life to their children.
  • And since you're no longer children, at least officially, it's time someone tells you the facts of life.
  • I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
  • I suggest that you get some friends over for a girly chat about the facts of life.